For over one hundred years International Critical Commentaries have had a special place among works on the Bible. They bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis – linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological – to help the reader understand the meaning of the books of the Old and New Testaments.
The new commentaries continue this tradition. All new evidence now available is incorporated and new methods of study are applied. The authors are of the highest international standing.
No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text: contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought.
Robert McL. Wilson’s commentary on Colossians and Philemon is now made more widely available in this new paperback edition.
Table of Contents
I Colossae
II The Church at Colossae
III The Letter to the Colossians
a) Authenticity
b) Place of Writing
c) Colossians and Ephesians
d) Colossians and other Pauline Letters
e) Conclusions
IV The Colossian Heresy
V Recapitulation
I Opening Salutation (1: 1-2)
II Thanksgiving for the Faith of the Colossians (1: 3-8)
III Intercession for the Colossians (1: 9-14)
IV The Colossian “Hymn” (1:15-20)
V Relevance for the Readers (1:21-23)
VI Paul’s Labours for the Church (1:24-2: 5)
VII The Significance of Christ’s Work (2: 6-15)
VIII Further Admonitions (2:16-23)
IX Seek Things Above (3: 1-4)
X Guidelines for the new life (3: 5-17)
XI The Haustafel (3:18-4: 1)
XII Final Admonitions (4: 2-6)
XIII The Close of the Letter (4: 7-18)
XIV Epilogue
Index of Ancient Writings and Sources
Index of Authors
Subject Index
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