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Creation as Sacrament: Reflections on Ecology and Spirituality

Author: John Chryssavgis

Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹639.00.


John Chryssavgis explores the sacred dimension of the natural environment, and the significance of creation in the rich theological history and spiritual classics of the Orthodox Church, through the lens of its unique ascetical, liturgical and mystical experience.

The global ecological crisis affecting humanity’s air, water, and land, as well as the planet’s flora and fauna, has resulted in manifest fissures on the image of God in creation. Chryssavgis examines, from an Orthodox Christian perspective, the possibility of restoring that shattered image through the sacramental lenses of cosmic transfiguration, cosmic interconnection, and cosmic reconciliation. The viewpoints of early theologians and contemporary thinkers are extensively explored from a theological and spiritual perspective, including countering those who deny that God’s creation is in crisis. Presenting a worldview advanced and championed by the Orthodox Church in the modern world, this book encourages personal and societal transformation in making ethical and economic choices that respect creation as sacrament.

Additional information

Dimensions 140 × 240 cm




Number of pages


Year of Publishing


Categories: , Product ID: 20245


Table of Contents

Introduction: Restoring the Shattered Image of the World
Section I: Theory and Theology
1. The Lens of Grace: Reintegrating the Sacred and the Profane
2. Transcendence and Immanence: Ancient Concepts for a Modern Crisis
3. The Desert is Alive: The Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
4. Divine Sophia: The Wisdom of the Word and Beauty of the World
5. Ecology and Mystery: Creation as Sacrament
Section II: Principles and Practices
6. On Earth as in Heaven: Cardinal Symbols and Values
7. Living Cosmology: Creation in Faith and Science
8. Responding to Denial and Disdain: The Devil’s Advocate, Part 1
9. Asking the Right Questions: The Devil’s Advocate, Part 2
10. The Green Patriarch: A Contemporary Worldview and Witness
Conclusion: The Way Forward
Original Sources
Further Reading


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