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T&T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology

Author: David M Whitford

Original price was: ₹1,599.00.Current price is: ₹1,280.00.

Additional information

Dimensions 250 × 180 cm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Product ID: 20302


This volume introduces the main theological topics of Reformation theology in a language that is clear and concise. Theology in the Reformation era can be complicated and contentious. This volume aims to cut through the theological jargon and explain what people believed and why.

The book begins with an essay that explains to students how one can approach the study of sixteenth century theology. It includes a guide to major events, persons, doctrines, and movements.

Table of Contents

Part One: Studying and Writing about the Reformation David M. Whitford

Part Two: Theological Topics

Chapter 1: Human Nature, the Fall, and the Will – Robert Kolb
Chapter 2: Revelation and Scripture – Ward Holder
Chapter 3: Justification – Carl Trueman
Chapter 4: Law and Gospel – Lubomir Batka & Anna Johnson
Chapter 5: Election – Chad Can Dixhoorn
Chapter 6: Sanctification, Works, and Social Justice – Carter Lindberg
Chapter 7: The Sacraments – Bryan Spinks
Chapter 8: The Church – Paul Avis
Chapter 9: Preaching and Worship – Anne Thayer
Chapter 10: Women, Marriage & Family – Karen Spierling
Chapter 11: Catechisms & Confessions of Faith – Karin Maag
Chapter 12: Church Discipline, Abuse, Corruption – Raymond Mentzer
Chapter 13: Eschatology, the Antichrist, and Apocalypticism – Robin Bruce Barnes
Chapter 14: Political Theology – Volker Leppin
Chapter 15: Superstition, Magic & Witchcraft – Peter Maxwell-Stuart
Chapter 16: Radical Theology – Geoffrey Dipple
Chapter 17: Images and Iconography – Randall Zachman
Chapter 18: Martyrdom and Religious Violence – Haruko Ward

Part Three: A Reformation ABC


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