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A Feminist Critique on Gender Discrimination with Special Reference to Female Sex Selective Abortion in India

Author: Rev. Dr. J. Vijayakumary

Original price was: ₹900.00.Current price is: ₹720.00.

Additional information

Dimensions 230 × 155 cm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Product ID: 21321


Gender Discrimination is an issue of gender identity and social justice. It is a clear violation of the rights of the female gender and denial of human rights. Gender discrimination against a female child starts right from the womb of a mother where she is identified and terminated because of her gender. Statistical analysis reveals a decrease in the female sex ratio in various parts of India with the advancement in scientific technologies, where by the sex of the foetus can be determined even at the formative stage and destroyed mercilessly.

This research is an in-depth study on gender discrimination with a critical approach in the context of Feminist Critical Consciousness. A systematic effort is attempted to evaluate, demonstrate and establish that gender discrimination leads to Female Sex Selective Abortion, resulting in alarming female sex ratio or ‘girl deficit’. The evidence gathered demonstrates that all forms of gender discrimination that lead to female sex selective abortion are anti-life and it rejects any kind of social, economic, religious, cultural, political, or legal justification.


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