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Christ and Local Churches

Original price was: ₹495.00.Current price is: ₹395.00.

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Dimensions 210 × 140 mm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


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Categories: , Product ID: 21330


Christ and the Local Church is a well-designed book which deals with all the aspects of the Church and its functions. Dr. J.N. Manokaran, an eminent missional leader and a prolific writer has brought out wonderfully the different aspects of the local Church. He has designed the book so well that it deals with both, the Biblical aspects of the Church as well as the practical implications of the Church. The Church as a Covenant community is also a caring community. The sacraments of the Church help the disciple to have a closer fellowship with the head of the Church, Christ Himself. The local congregation as children, youth, men and women have an important role in the mission of the Church. The exposition of the seven early Churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation are thought-provoking and makes the reader to reflect about the Church in the present-day context.

Rev. I. Samuel Prabhakar, M.A., B.D., M.Th. Presbyter CSI Diocese, Chennai

Christ and Local Churches gives a new look to the local church at large. It says that the local church is the Truth Community of all ages, from ancient world to the present modern media-soaked world. The author talks about the unique role of the pastor and the congregations; investment of laity in secular society; biblical understanding of the church; and strategic mission of the local church. The thoughts are afresh and has avoided duplicating the thoughts of other authors.

Dr. Rev. C. Rajasekaran Consultant for St. Paul Theological Institute – Trichy


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