The book, Disability and Mephibosheth: Constructing A Theology for People with Disabilities, is actually an outcome of author’s M.Th Thesis titled as “Re-reading the Narrative of Mephibosheth from the Perspective of Disability: A Theological Review”. Throughout the centuries, disability has been attached with terms such as sin, curse, punishment, etc. and as a result it is evident that people with disabilities are devalued, marginalized and stigmatized by both, the Church and society. People with disabilities also face psychological, social, economical and the ecclesiastical problems and issues just because of their disabilities. In such a context, this book has its own significant as it defines disability not as a limitation but as an ability to function differently and yet distinctly. By tracing out how Jesus accepted people with disabilities, it also challenges today’s Church and society to be inclusive communities by accepting people with disabilities and affirming the equality of all irrespective of abilities and disabilities.
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