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From Eternity to Eternity

Author: Erich Sauer

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹400.00.

The highest commendation of this new work by Erich Sauer is that it is a worthy successor to his two former volumes, The Dawn of World Redemtion and The Triumph of Crucified, of which, in their English editions alone, over 20,000 copies wre sold in their first twenty months of publication. Together the three volumes from triology of Biblical exposition Seldom equalled, and by their issue the author has placed the whole Christian in his debt.

Additional information

Dimensions 210 × 140 cm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Product ID: 20277


The highest commendation of this new work by Erich Sauer is that it is a worthy successor to his two former volumes, The Dawn of World Redemtion and The Triumph of Crucified, of which, in their English editions alone, over 20,000 copies wre sold in their first twenty months of publication. Together the three volumes from triology of Biblical exposition Seldom equalled, and by their issue the author has placed the whole Christian in his debt.

In the present volume, which as well as being a welcome companion to the earlier books, is also complete in itself, Erich Sauer first presents an outline of the ways of God with men, delineating the separate streams of Divine revelation and purpose, and shews how they converge and culminate in the eternal plan for the Kingdom and the Church. The main themes of this part of the book are strikingly illustrated by the beautifully produced Chart, in full colours, in which the whole circle of God’s purposes, moving out of eternity past and onward into eternity future, is outlined in diagrammatic form.

In the second part of the work, Erich Sauer discusses with great cogency the basis upon which alone such a foreshadowing of the plans of the Eternal can be founded – the self-revelation of God in the “God-breathed” Word of Truth. Without this, man would be left to his own imagining, “for like can be discerned only by like, and therefore God only by God.” The final part of the book considers various problems raised by the prophecies of Holy Scripture concerning the coming Kingdom of God, and the author, while examining sympathetically and fairly other points of view, adduces convincing reasons for the Messianic hope of a visible Kingdom of God upon earth.


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