In exegeting the book of Hebrews, the researchers should definitely be aware of the history of the people of God (Jews) in the Old Testament and their interactions with the contemporary communities, Greco-Roman institutions and naturally the primitive Christian communities. It is clear that the book of Hebrews documented many of those events and institutions vividly. However, many traditional commentaries interpreted them without taking the elements of history seriously. It is not an easy task to demark history from the texts as many historical elements are mixed up with myths, metaphors and symbols… I present this monograph with a sense of confidence that many researchers will find this book to be starting point for studying the book of Hebrews in a deeper manner.
-Prof. Rev. Dr. C.I. David Joy
Epistle to the Hebrews has been overshadowed by other New Testament books, especially the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, in the history of Christian thought. However, today the theologies of Hebrews have great impact on the life and ministry of the church.
In a context like India, the church is called to focus on the Cross which fulfils the promise of God. It is the Cross which gives strength to endure; which motivates and encourages the church and create a non-communal environment…
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