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Mediating Catholicism: Religion and Media in Global Catholic Imaginaries

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Additional information

Dimensions 250 × 300 cm

Eric Hoenes del Pinal, Kristin Norget, Marc Roscoe Loustau





Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Categories: , Product ID: 20291


This book focuses on the ethnographic study of Catholicism and media. Chapters demonstrate how people engage with the Catholic media-scape, and analyse the social, cultural, and political processes that underlie Catholic media and mediatization.

Case studies examine Catholic practices in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America, South-East Asia, and Africa, providing a truly comparative, de-centred representation of global Catholicism.

Illustrating the vibrancy and heterogeneity of Catholicism world-wide, the book also examines how media work to sustain larger global Catholic imaginaries.

Table of Contents

List of Images
List of Contributors
Introduction: Mediating Catholicism, Marc Loustau (College of the Holy Cross, USA), Kristin Norget (McGill University, Canada), and Eric Hoenes del Pinal (University of North Carolina, USA)
1. Mediatizing Holy Week: Guatemalan Catholic Experiments with Radio and Facebook, Eric Hoenes del Pinal (University of North Carolina, USA)
2. NFP Online: The Mutable Religious Space of Social Media, Katherine Dugan (Springfield College, USA)
3. The Stakes of Catholic Media Practices in Chad, Ludovic Lado (Center for Research and Action for Peace, Institute of Human Dignity and Rights, Ivory Coast)
4. ‘This station only runs on Love’: Post-Bureaucratic Evangelism in a Transylvanian Catholic Media Organization, Marc Loustau (College of the Holy Cross, USA)
5. A Touch of Love: On Words, Things, and the Global Aspirations of U.S. Catholics, Hillary Kaell (Concordia University, Canada)
6. Religious Celebrities and the Expansion of Suffering in the Philippines and Timor-Leste, Julius Bautista (Kyoto University, Japan)
7. Exorcism in the Media, Thomas J. Csordas (University of California, San Diego, USA)
8. Abundance and the Late Capitalist Imagination: Catholicism and Fashion at the Metropolitan Museum, Elayne Oliphant (New York University, USA)
9. Miraculous Sovereignties: Mediation and the Señor de los, Kristin Norget (McGill University, Canada)
10. The Mediatization of Catholicism: Some Challenges and Remarks, Luis Mauro Sa Martino (Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Brazil)


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