Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru (ISI-B), established in 1963 is committed to Social Education And Empowerment Action of the Marginalized Communities towards Democratic Nation Building. Over the last five decades ISI-B has engaged in interdisciplinary and socially relevant research and training amongst potential scholars, social activists and academicians through integrated action based-research in tribal, Dalit, human rights, labour & migration and gender studies by linking Social Activism, Universities and the Marginalized communities through training, development and advocacy interventions. ISI-B provides training space for like-minded institutions, organizations to proactively respond to social transformation and nation building.
It is ‘Training and Resource Centre’, enabled by research, facilitating advocacy engagements. It envisions ‘To build an egalitarian and inclusive society by promoting socially conscious communities.’ As a ‘Training and Resource Centre’ engages in ‘Training of Trainers’, from Dalit, Adivasi, Minority, Unorganized Labourer, Fisher Folk, Distress Migrants and Dalit Christian communities with special focus on women and youth in partnership with Community Leaders, Civil Society Organizations, People’s Movements and Jesuit Social Centres in South India, through holistic and quality capacity-building trainings, enabled by research-based knowledge and networking and advocacy engagements, to claim their entitlements, rights and improved quality of life.’ The main thrust areas include Cadre building and Capacity Development Access to Entitlements, Cultural identity and Entitlements of the Distress Migrants, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion.
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