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Pastoring: The Nuts and Bolts

Author: David Wentz

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹440.00.

Additional information

Dimensions 210 × 140 cm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Product ID: 20090


“A superb book and educational aid for pastors and church leaders – a one stop shop of what they need to know to lead and run a church.” – Nancy Plaxico, church leader

“I find myself not just reading it, but also studying it. It’s an amazing work that is incredibly Scriptural. I’ve been in ministry for 15 years, and I’m learning a great deal. I don’t say this about a lot of books, but this one impresses me. This is one book that I will highly recommend to all pastors.” – Pastor Jesse Bingaman

“This is a book you will want to read and re-read many times.” – Pastor Bob McIntyre

Pastoring: The Nuts and Bolts began when pastors in Turkey asked for a written version of Dr. Wentz’s workshops. Advance copies are being used to train pastors in Africa and Asia.

Designed especially for pastors looking for help with day to day ministry issues, it stands out from similar books in its comprehensive scope and theological and cultural neutrality, including issues common to charismatic and pentecostal as well as mainline and evangelical churches around the world. It offers options and best practices rather than prescriptions.

If a pastor or church can have only one book besides the Bible, this is designed to be most helpful. Illustrated with real-life experiences, a conversational second-person style makes the book engaging to read. Each chapter ends with bulleted “Points to Remember.”

Part One lays the foundation on God’s three-fold purpose for inventing the church. It recasts worship, discipleship and evangelism as aspects of God’s relationship with his family, the church. As infinitely loving Father, God desires to live with his family in a loving home (created by worship), raise up children like himself (discipleship), and invite every person to become part of his family (evangelism).

Part Two uses personal experiences to illustrate advice on life as a pastor, from the initial call through personal and family issues to moving on and retirement.

Part Three offers ways of effectively dealing with the day to day issues of being in charge of a local church. It addresses church organization, preaching, worship and ministries, and how to work with people, money, and other churches.

More comments from advance reviews:

“It is a breath of fresh air and inspired by the Holy Spirit. The only recommended change is your title. The word pastor limits who might read it. Laity and clergy would benefit.” – Pastor Lois Cannon

“I like your use of stories and illustrations from your vast experience – a nice balance with the biblical verses and context. You use cultural sensitivity and demonstrate balance, strength of thought and conviction without off-putting dogmatism. This will give the book appeal and usefulness across the many different faith expressions and church traditions around the world. There is a need and great space for a book like yours.” – John Fletcher, Senior Vice President of Global Missions, Pioneers

“The entire team is really thanking you because some phrases have become commonly used words on a daily basis.” – Pastor Musinguzi Ibrahim, Uganda

“It has helped me become not only a better pastor but also a better person. have also noticed great change in my pastors, they are now more mature and responsible. I recommend this book to every pastor.” – Pastor Abraham Manya, Kenya

“Anyone needing a handbook to lead them through ministry, this would be a good one.”– Pastor Ralph W. Douglas

If you are a pastor or church leader and the purchase price will create a financial hardship for you, please Facebook message Pastor David Wentz. If you can afford to pay or if you will be reimbursed, please purchase the book here.


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