“To reinforce patriarchal ordering of social relationship and deny the rightful place of women in church leadership, the hierarchy reiterates the prevalent assumption that the disciples of Jesus were all men. Biblical references are highlighted to establish that Jesus had not called women to the inner circle of leadership. The importance of this book is a conscientious evaluation of this constructed myth of the hierarchical church. Through a meticulous study of the Gospel of Mark. Rev. Ninan Jacob persuasively deconstructs the standard patriarchal argument, and illuminates the narrative that women occupied an essential place in the community of disciples. With systematic sociological and exegetical analysis, Jacob succinctly redefines the concept of discipleship, by demystifying cultural signifiers of the Jewish tradition. This book is an invitation to churches to revisit their avowed position regarding the status of women in the church.”
M. P. Joseph
Former Professor, Chang Jung Christian University
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