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Revelation: An Introduction and Study Guide – Book of Torment, Book of Bliss

Author: Stephen D. Moore

Original price was: ₹599.00.Current price is: ₹480.00.

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 156 mm


Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Tag: Product ID: 21159


This study guide explores the origins and reception history of the Book of Revelation and its continuing fascination for readers from both religious and secular backgrounds. Stephen D. Moore examines the transcultural impact Revelation has had, both within and beyond Christianity, not only on imaginings of when and how the world will end, but also on imaginings of the risen Jesus, heaven and hell, Satan, the Antichrist, and even Mary the mother of Jesus.

Moore traces Revelation’s remarkable reception through the ages, with special emphasis on its twentieth and twenty-first century appropriations, before resituating the book in its original context of production: Who wrote it, where, when, why, and modelled on what? The study guide culminates with a miniature commentary on the entire text of Revelation, weaving together liberationist, postcolonial, feminist, womanist, queer, and ecological approaches to the book in order to discern what it might mean for contemporary readers and communities concerned with issues of social justice.

Table of Contents

1. Why Read Revelation?
2. Revelation’s Reception
3. Revelation’s Production
4. A Micro-Commentary on Revelation
Works Cited
Author Index


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