Many people may think that the modern physical sciences – physics, chemistry, astronomy – and religion have little to do with each other. There are, however, many points that these two areas intersect. This volume in the Greenwood Guides to Science and Religion will cover the impact of religion and spirituality on some of the great scientific debates of the last 100 years – the origin of the universe, the nature of matter and energy, the quest for a TOE (theory of everything), and the current debates over multiple universes, the anthropic principle, and other aspects of theoretical physics that are borderline philosophy. Debates on these topics are common in popular works, and the author places all of these debates in a context that the average reader can understand.
Table of Contents
Chronology of Events
Chapter 1. Introduction: Physical Science and Religion in the 20th Century
Chapter 2. The Beginning of the Universe: Scientific and Religious Perspectives
Chapter 3. The Nature of Matter and Energy and the Quest for a Final Unified Theory
Chapter 4. Cosmic Evolution: Reflections of Scientists
Chapter 5. Life and Intelligence in the Universe
Chapter 6. Cosmic Evolution: Christian Religious Perspectives
Chapter 7. The Cosmology of Meher Baba
Chapter 8. The Future According to Science and Religion
Primary Documents
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