This book interprets an important moral and theological category ‘Conversion’ (μετανοέω) in the Book of Revelation. The first part consists of three chapters that discusses the concept of conversion in the Old Testament, in Qumran Literature, Apocalyptic Judaism and in the New Testament. The twelve occurrences of the word μετανοέω in the book of Revelation are discussed in 4th and 5th chapters of the second part. The third part presents the concept of conversion in the two major sections of the book of Revelation (chapters 1-3 and 4-22) in their reciprocal relation to each other and in relation to the general picture of the resources explored in the first part. Despite the use of Greek texts and regardless of its scientific approach the book is written in a reader-friendly language and style that would appeal both to the experts and the unskilled alike and especially to the students of the Bible.
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