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A Textbook of Christian Ethics

Author: Robin Gill

Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹1,799.00.

Additional information

Dimensions 250 × 300 cm




Number of pages



Year of Publishing


Category: Product ID: 20286


Robin Gill’s A Textbook of Christian Ethics continues to be popular with students and lecturers – it is difficult to find another textbook in the field that combines primary texts with extensive analysis and commentary. This 4th edition has been extensively revised and it incorporates up-to-date developments in the field of Christian ethics. Gill retains all the popular features of the previous editions, including its layout and structure, and in this new edition he also focuses on current debates, including such topics as global Christianity, global economics, euthanasia and global justice and the environment.

Table of Contents

System of Analysis
The Texts: Augustine, Aquinas and Luther
The Extracts
Method of StudySection 1 METHODOLOGY Introduction to Methodology

Text I Augustine ‘God’s Foreknowledge and Human Free-will’ from The City of God
Text II Aquinas ‘Natural Law’ from Summa Theologica
Text III Luther from Treatise on Good Works
Analysis of Extracts

Extract 1 Bonhoeffer ‘Ethics and Christian Ethics’ from Ethics
Extract 2 Fletcher from Situation Ethics
Extract 3 Copleston ‘Objections to Natural Law’ from Aquinas
Extract 4 John Paul II ‘The Crisis of Moral Truth’ from Veritatis Splendor
Extract 5 Fiorenza ‘Ethics and Feminist Theology’
Extract 6 Cupitt ‘Post-Realist Ethics’ from Solar Ethics
Extract 7 Porter ‘Virtue Ethics’ from Moral Action and Christian Ethics
Extract 8 Abraham ‘Post-Colonial and Inter-Faith Ethics’
Critique of Extracts
Section 2 POLITICS, ECONOMICS AND JUSTICE Introduction to Politics, Economics and Justice
Text IV Augustine ‘The Earthly and Heavenly Cities’ from The City of God
Text V Aquinas from On Princely Government
Text VI Luther from Trade and Usury

Analysis of Extracts

Extract 9 Barth ‘God’s Judgment on Political Revolutions’
from The Epistle to the Romans
Extract 10 Berdyaev ‘Politics and the Spirit’ from Freedom and the Spirit
Extract 11 Niebuhr ‘The Conflict Between Individual and Social Morality’
from Moral Man and Immoral Society
Extract 12 Temple from Christianity and Social Order
Extract 13 John XXIII ‘Towards a World Government’ from Pacem in Terris
Extract 14 Miranda ‘Justice and Almsgiving’ from Marx and the Bible
Extract 15 Hollenbach ‘The Common Good and Globalisation’
from The Common Good and Christian Ethics
Extract 16 Farley ‘Prophetic Discourse in a Time of AIDS’
Critique of Extracts

Section 3 WAR AND PEACE Introduction to War and Peace

Text VII Augustine ‘The Just War’ from Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
Text VIII Aquinas ‘War, Christians and the Clergy’ from Summa Theologica
Text IX Luther from Whether Soldiers, too, Can be Saved
Analysis of Extracts Extract 17 Welty ‘Wars of Aggression and Defence
from A Handbook of Christian Social Ethics
Extract 18 Ramsey from Who Speaks for the Church?
Extract 19 US Catholic Bishops from The Challenge of Peace
Extract 20 Hauerwas ‘Pacifism: Some Philosophical Considerations’
Extract 21 Bonino ‘Liberation Theology and Peace’
from Revolutionary Theology Comes of Age
Extract 22 O’Donovan ‘Discrimination and Double-Effect’
from The Just War Revisited
Extract 23 Ackermann ‘Living with Difference’
Critique of Extracts

Section 4 THE ENVIRONMENT Introduction to the Environment
Text X Augustine from The Literal Meaning of Genesis
Text XI Aquinas ‘Creation and Divine Providence’ from Summa Contra Gentiles
Text XII Luther from Commentary on Genesis (1.26-31)
Analysis of Extracts
Extract 24 White ‘The Theological Roots of our Ecological Crisis’
Extract 25 Gregorios ‘Ecology and the World Council of Churches’
Extract 26 Abraham ‘Liberation and Eco-Justice’
Extract 27 Clark ‘Christian Responsibility for the Environment’
Extract 28 McFague ‘An Earthly Theological Agenda’

Extract 29 King ‘Evolution, Ethics and Mysticism’
Critique of Extracts
Introduction to Human Life and Interpersonal Relationships
Text XIII Augustine ‘Suicide’ from The City of God
Text XIV Aquinas ‘Fornication and Marriage’ from Summa Contra Gentiles
Text XV Luther from On the Jews and Their Lies

Analysis of Extracts
Extract 30 Küng ‘Euthanasia’ from A Dignified Dying?
Extract 31 Quaker Group from Towards a Quaker View of Sex
Extract 32 Ware ‘Marriage and Divorce – an Orthodox Perspective’
Extract 33 Paul VI ‘Birth Control’ from Humanae Vitae
Extract 34 Cahill ‘Bioethics and AIDS’
Extract 35 WCC ‘Churches Against Racism’
Extract 36 Ruether ‘Western Christianity and Zionism’
Extract 37 Graham ‘Post-Humans’
Critique of Extracts


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