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Colossians and Philemon (ICC) – A Critical and Exegetical Commentary

No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text : contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought. It is hoped that the new volumes will attain the high standards of their predecessors and contribute significantly to the understanding of the books of the Bible.


For over one hundred years International Critical Commentaries have had a special place among works in English on the Bible.They have sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis, linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological, to help the reader understand the meaning of the Old and New testaments.

The New Commentaries continue this tradition. New evidence now available , as well as new methods of study, will be incorporated in the confident expectation that there will be an even greater need for such commentaries in the twenty-first century than there has been in the past.

No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text : contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought. It is hoped that the new volumes will attain the high standards of their predecessors and contribute significantly to the understanding of the books of the Bible.


2023 Hardbound






R.Mcl. Wilson


Bloomsbury Publishing,

Omega Book World


The International Critical Commentary


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