
Constructing Dalit Theology for Dalit Liberation


This book focuses on one of the fundamental issues in missions today—the Dalits in our time. The style and content of the book are very engaging. It is illustrated and supported by an immense amount of Scriptural text correlated in an impressive way. The author has widely read, analysed and investigated various theologies to bring into focus the larger question of the relationship of the Church to the history of the neglected and oppressed people. The view of Dalit Theology for the liberation of the Dalits in India, which is aptly presented in the book, is authentically biblical and soundly theological. This book will prompt the Church to rethink her mission in the context of the community of the Dalits and formulate her message in order to make it relevant and meaningful to the Dalits in India.

Rev. Dr. Kim, Young Ook, President of the Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission (ACTS)

This book takes a fresh and original look at Dalit Theology and attempts to construct a Dalit Christian liberation theology by bringing in the theoretical and practical aspects of the Dalit people in a comparative study of Western Christian theology, which is highly individualistic. Dalit Christian Theology stands out because of the centrality it gives to caste and caste oppression, which is unique in India; this has been emphasised through the study of Korean Minjung Theology, which has taken shape because of a dehumanising background, economic exploitation and political suppression in society.

As a mentor, I strongly believe that this book will tell the reader that Dalit Christian Theology is a contextual theology having historical, contemporary and eschatological contexts—and this would lead to the holistic emancipation of the Dalits. Dr. Han Sang Hwa, Ph.D, Westminster-USA

Department of Systematic Theology, ACTS-Korea


2012 Paperback






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